"Creative People exhibit a continuous discontent with uniformity." Glenn Van Ekern

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thank you God for a beautiful day!

Today has been one of those rather rare days in central Texas. We usually go from cold to hot but today was a perfect spring day. I so much appreciate this kind of weather because I have no trouble being out in it and working in my yard a little. My weed problems have come on so fast, I don't think I can salvage it. I don't know quit at this juncture so I will keep on going to get it looking good. Speaking of appreciation, I learned Saturday that I have another grandbaby on the way! My baby is having a baby. I am already blessed with 5 others and one due in May and now this one in November or December. I am called Nana and it really is one of the sweetest sounds to my ears. Are there any more Nanas' blogging or am I the only "older" woman who cares about this? I really do hope as I learn what I'm doing and make this interesting that I will wake up and find that someone knows I'm here. I guess till then I will look at this as teaching myself something new. It is a bit like journaling and really satisfying therapy of sorts but a little lonely. Maybe I don't have setting right for people to know how to find see me. Some confirmation would be so validating. Until then I make myself content and trusting that this will lead to what I really want to share like other talented women.

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

Yes the weather has been beautiful. I've been spending lots of time outside. That's probably why you can't reach me on the phone. I got a laptop for Christmas, so I blog and surf outside. I've been gardening and battling weeds too.

Congratulations on the new little one! And believe me, there are tons of other Nana's blogging out there (too many to count). I have a hard time getting anything done because I get stuck in the blogosphere and can't get out!